Click here for 2019 Robot Rally scores and video.
Next General Meeting:
The next general meeting is canceled because Pinckneyville Community Center is closed due to COVID-19 pandemic . Check out our Facebook page for up to date information.
General meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Everyone is welcome! Membership is not required to attend meetings.
Want to build a robot but have no clue how to get started? Check out our Beginners links.
New contest! The Wall Race. 8/19/19
Slides from AVR Beyond Arduino presentation 6/16/18
Slides from Robot Drive Systems presentation 2/17/18
Slides from the Designing Circuit Boards in Eagle presentation.
Build blog for the Bibimbot Mini Sumo bot.
Slides from OpenSCAD presentation.
Slides from Controlling Mini Sumo with a sequencer presentation.
Slides from the Raspberry Pi introduction presentation.
Caliper abuse for beginners by Charles Guan. How to use dial calipers to do accurate layout work.
More in the Publications and Presentations section.
Photos from previous meetings
William's unfinished 3D printed Polyathlon bot
William Moore is working on this 1 cubic inch Micro-Sumo bot
At the Sept 2016 meeting William Moore demonstrated his analog line following robot. Click here for details.
At the May 2016 meeting Jerry Wasinger demonstrated his PI-Plates motor driver
board for Raspberry Pi
William Moore demonstrated his Meccanoid G15KS at the April 2016 meeting
Luis talked about his latest robots at the April 2015 meeting.
William Moore showed his latest creation, a pulsed IR object sensor board for his Zumo bot.
It has 7 IR LEDs and 3 photo transistors and talks to the main CPU via I2C.
Mark Fuller gave a presentation and demonstration of his RepRap 3D printer. (Click image to enlarge)
Dale Heatherington showed off his 10 GHZ radio beacon finder.
Open House 2009
Older stuff
Robot Rally Contest Scores,photos and videos:
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