Jan 31, 2009Atlanta Hobby Robot Meeting Minutes
- Introduction of new member
- Len showed pictures from the 2008 FIRST regional contest at Devry.
- Demo a video of the winner of the open section in the 2008 robot rally.
The winner's robot is called safecrack which is a nxt based robot.
- Robot rally will be held in Pickneyville Park on Saturday, May 16.
- We need to form a robot rally committee.
- Any one can bring robots to show off at the rally.
- There will be an open section.
- FIRST needs volunteer, go to url: usfirt.org.
- Denise was elected to be vice president.
- Disussion on the possibility of moving RBNO to a different night
and venue (may be west side of town). A possibility is another Saturday
at Pickneyville.
- In the technical section, C. Chung demostrated the passive dyanmic
walker work study completed by his son, Elliott Chung. This is a
tinkeytoy robot that is able to walks down the ramp.