Cube Quest

What is it?

Cube Quest is a new robotics contest created by the AHRC! Two autonomous robots (not radio controlled) start from their own goal area and roam a 6x6 foot field and attempt to move +1 red blocks back to their goal while avoiding the -1 blue blocks. The winner is determined by subtracting the -1 blue blocks in the goal from the +1 red total at the end of a 3 minute round. The winner moves up an elimination tree as in mini-sumo or combat robotics. Robots are also allowed to move blocks into or out of the opponents goal. ie: Stealing +1 red blocks from your opponents goal is allowed as is stuffing your opponents goal with -1 blue blocks. For more details see the rules.

New!  R/C Mode.

This is a non-autonomous version of Cube Quest with radio controlled bots.  All rules are the same except radio control is allowed.  So, if you have a radio controlled car, tank or homemade bot you can play Cube Quest against similar opponents. Click this for radio control rules.


3/23/08 Notice: We have changed the carpet originally specified. The new carpet is from Lowes. It's Lowes carpet item #97937 and can be purchased in 6 foot widths. It's a little darker gray than the original carpet squares. The new carpet is in one 6x6 foot piece which makes field setup much faster. If you need samples I can bring them to the monthly meetings. Please request samples on the AHRC email discussion list (listbot). I've also updated the rules to specify this new carpet.

Field Drawing

A drawing of the 6x6 foot playing field. Beacons are not shown but will be 7 inches above the floor outside each goal corner. See the rules for details.

Krylon paint

This is the paint used to paint the blocks. It's available at Ace hardware stores and Michaels craft stores. Colors are "Red Pepper" and "Patriotic Blue"

Red & Blue blocks

Here are the painted blocks on an 18% photographic gray card.


Polarized white light beacons

Playing Field

Playing Field

bots eye view

Bots eye view of the goal and beacon

Previous page: Open Competition
Next page: Beacon Internal Details