09/29/01 AHRC meeting minutes Officers Present: Frank Borowiec - President Richard Bodor - Co-Vice President 32 attendees Frank made introductions and explained agenda to the attendees. Club Business - Richard gave information on the robot rally committee meeting held on. The next meeting is this Tuesday, October 2, 2001 at the same location (Barnacles) at 630pm. RBNO - Paul Burrell gave the report on the last RBNO. The meeting was basically two groups that worked separately. One group worked with the lathe with very mixed results. The other group worked on their class project. New Members - Mark Lusher(sp?) found us on the web site. Steve Walker(??) saw us at the sci-trek earlier in the year and came to see the meeting. David den Harrng (second meeting), guest of Lynn that works on their vision system. Jeff, Ralph, and Collin from a class project at their second meeting. Door prizes announced - Frank brought some items as door prizes for attendees of the meeting. He donated a flat panel display kit that would need some work but included a graphics card and an 11.3" flat panel display that can run at VGA resolution. He also donated a "chiklet"-style membrane keyboard that could be mounted in a water proof panel. Also Steve Walker(??) donated two passes to an arcade. Video - A tape brought in by Paul Burrell from the Discovery Channel's "Robbie comes to earth" show and tell - Richard and Frank had some more give-aways. This time it included some PCI network cards, some SIMMs and some DIMMs, several SBCs, an assortment of stand-offs, connectors and pots. iButton computer was shown. This information will be sent on the listbot for those wanting further information on this innovative embedded computer. A new mini-sumo bot in progress (BAT) was shown. (photo below)
Sean Hussey showed two walkers (pictures taken 010929-0002.jpg, 010929-0003.jpg) Jared Hussey showed his walker (picture taken 010929-0004.jpg, 010929-0005.jpg) Keith Rowell showed his piezo-sensor robot It uses a piezo sensor attached in an efficient mounting method for obstacle avoidance. This bot has a curved rounded form and Keith said that it was made from junk parts. (photo below)
BotBurt III was shown. This is major work-in-progress. (picture taken 010929-0008.jpg, 010929-0009.jpg) Nicholas Frank is working on a new sumo-bot, but it has some reboot problems. Several members gave suggestions for a solution to the problem. Mini-Sumo Contest: There were 4 competitors: * Delta Force - Dale Heatherington's new robot, alledged to have beaten the champion Robor. * Robor's Bane - the Galen Hussey entrant was all new with special extra-traction tires * Frankenstein - Nicholas Frank competes again * Lancelot - Keith Rowell's robot, this time without the lance The first competition was Delta Force vs. Robor's Bane. Delta Force won Next, Frankenstein and Lancelot went with Frankenstein winning. Delta Force vs. Frankenstein. Delta Force won the first 2 attempts. Robor's Bane vs. Lancelot - Robor's Bane won. There was a free-for-all contest with 5 different min-sumo bots and Robor was the victor. Paul gave a quick and informative demonstration of some 3-d modeling software.