Minutes: Atlanta Hobby Robot Club
Date:  09/30/2000
Location: Radioshack.com

Officers in attendance:
Barry Ward, President
Frank Borowiec, Vice President
Richard Bodor, Secretary
Clint Bridges, Treasurer
28 attendees

Nominations continue for the new officers for 2001:
President:  Frank Borowiec
            Barry Ward
Vice President: Richard Bodor
Treasurer: Clint Bridges
Secretary: Calvin Grier
Nominations are accepted from all members and MAY BE REFUSED BY THE NOMINEE.
(NOTE: members are requested and encouraged to involve themselves in club
business. Committees have been open since MARCH, and may be joined with

Club Business:
There was a brief discussion on the beacon contest. The prize for this month
is $100.
Calvin lead a discussion on the Robot Rally 2001. There have been proposed
changes in the rules, particularly the wall height has been shortened to 6
inches, the time for vacuum contest heats has been reduced to 4 minutes, and
the scoring formula was modified.
The date for the Robot Rally is February 3, 2001, again to be held at
There was a discussion to rename the Mindstorms contest to a "Kit" Bot open
There was also a suggestion for a "Home" Bot open competition.

Around the room:
The new attendees introduced themselves.
Clint gave a Robot Builder's Night Out report, including information on the
The group discussed the lego exhibit at local malls.
Richard brought another box of "goodies" including some very small switches
and some mu-metal shields.
Paul Burrell gave a quick show and tell on a beacon finding robot.

The Video presentation:
The video presentation was skipped due to lack of time.

The monthly contest:
Bob and Blake each tried the beacon contest. Blake won with an 8 second
completion time.

www.listbot.com(AHRC1) - AHRC listbot services
www.botlanta.org - AHRC home page