Minutes: Atlanta Hobby Robot Club
Date:  11/18/2000
Location: Radioshack.com

Officers in attendance:
 Barry Ward, President
 Frank Borowiec, Co-Vice President
 Paul Burrell, Co-Vice President
 Richard Bodor, Secretary
 Clint Bridges, Treasurer
31 attendees

Club Business: The meeting began 1 hour early to take care of certain member
related issues.

Clint discussed changing the club name to make it easier to accept

Richard suggested that there be another group formed for this reason,
and that the club could become a branch of this other group.

Clint said that he will investigate this idea.

Charles Redwine and Clint then discussed the Non-Profit, 501 C3 status.

A copy of the club charter is to be provided by Richard to those members
wishing to reference the charter for any purpose. There was no date set for
the document's availability, and Richard promised to report on this as soon
as possible.

There was a motion to change the club's name, but the change was removed
and was not voted upon.

There was a motion to publish the by-laws of the club on the web page
and Richard will work with Dale to take care of this.

There was a motion to purchase botlanta.com and the motion passed with a
show of hands.

There was a motion to buy an AHRC banner for approximately $250-350. The
motion carried with a show of hands.

Paul stated that he was preparing a list of all the member email
addresses for club purposes. A suggestion was made that the members be
offered anonymity upon receiving a written request from the member.

CLint gave a quick report on the RBNO - the silver classic Robomow has
been repaired.

There was a suggestion to establish an essay contest at local schools to
promote the Robot Rally. The suggestion will researched by interested

Calvin said that the contest committee meeting will be held on November
28th at 6:30pm at Radioshack.com

Final Nominations for the officers for 2001:

 President:   Frank Borowiec
              Barry Ward

 Co-Vice President: Richard Bodor
                    Barry Ward

 Treasurer:  Clint Bridges
 Secretary:  Calvin Grier

The ballotting was delayed through the court system until the end of the
meeting. Although it was close, the final results were:
 Frank Borowiec, President
 Barry Ward, Co-Vice President
 Richard Bodor, Co-Vice President
 Clint Bridges, Treasurer
 Calvin Greer, Secretary

The Video presentation:

Video tape of Jay Leno's "Chincilla" battle bot was the video

Also we had a clip from the Discovery channel's "Robots Among Us"

Around the room:

Richard had another box of goodies, including more of the membrane
control panels and some more of the small contact switches.

Clint brought the Popular Science November issue and also showed a book
"Experimenting with Pic Basic Pro". The book is about $40.

Bob Baxter talked about the Georgia Tech Class Project competition on
November 9.

Barry Ward has said that he will be entering the vaccuum contest.
Also Frank Borowiec said that Vac'o'matic will return to defend the

The monthly contest:

The prize this month was a $50 dollar bill. There were two contestants:
Noah Witherspoon with his "un-named" kitbot, and Jonah Hand with his "bug"

Both contestants ran two heats. Noah's robot was built from Legos and
sought a flashlight beacon that rested on a frame within the target area.

Jonah's bug bot was also built from Legos and sought a flashlight
beacon that was within the target area. Jonah's is 7 years old and also set
the record for our youngest contestant to date.

Both contestants were able to finish the race twice, very impressive
for the lighting in the room and the level of difficulty of the contest.

Video tape was made of the contest, and will be put on the web as soon
as possible :-).

The meeting adjourned at exactly 12 noon! Many members stayed late to
discuss some other issues to be brought up at the next meeting.

 www.listbot.com(AHRC1) - AHRC listbot services
 www.botlanta.org - AHRC home page