Minutes:	Atlanta Hobby Robot Club 
Date:		03/25/2000 
Location:	Radioshack.com 
Officers in attendance: 
	Frank Borowiec, Vice President 
	Richard Bodor, Secretary 
	Clint Bridges, Treasurer 
24 attendees 
Frank gave a result of the survey handed out at the last meeting. 
Clint gave a Treasurer's report, that we have less than $1400 
in cash and approzimately $1700 with checks. Our biggest issue 
is what to do with the money. 
Calvin Grier showed "Collected articles of Carl Lundt", new 
book "Build Your Own Robot" - AK Peters is the publisher.
Three new members introduced themselves. 
The Video presentation: 
	a) Channel 5 (local) coverage of Robot Rally 2000. 
	b) Robomow by Friendly Machines commercial video. 
	c) Battle Bots recorded off of cable. 
Clint talked about the Robot Builder's Night Out. 
Dan Brown talked about Distributed Processes. 
There was a Ham Fest report 
Noah Witherspoon gave a demonstration of sensor software. 
We had a seminar on the Atmel 8-16 bit class micro controller. 
	www.Mister-computer.com - animatronics kit 
	www.listbot.com(AHRC1) - AHRC listbot services 