Minutes: Atlanta Hobby Robot Club Date: 02/26/2000 Location: Radioshack.com Officers in attendance: Barry Ward, President Frank Borowiec, Vice President Richard Bodor, Secretary Clint Bridges, Treasurer Introduction of new attendees: Tyler Waldrop, Dale Waldrop, Bruce Torelli, Mike Downy Clint spoke about the combat Robots issue of the robotics magazine. Barry gave a quick orientation to the new members. Wednesday, March 15th is identified as the next engineer's night out. Frank handed out a survey for direction ideas from the club members. Clint gave a Treasurer's report and discussed our non-profit status. The members discussed the recent Robot Rally and the awards. Clint passed out the plaques that needed names engraved. Paul Burrell suggested a Robot Builder's Night Out at least once a month. Suggestions for additional competitions during the year. This has been passed to the PR committee. A suggestion from the floor to pursue University support has also been passed to the PR committee. Committees were assigned as follows: Robot Rally committee - Frank Borowiec and Richard Bodor Public Relations committee - Clint Bridges and Richard Bodor Rules committee - Paul Burrell and Barry Ward The Hussey's showed off their lego stuff. Paul brought and presented his "un-named, the robot" which WOULD have been at the vacuum cleaner contest. Frank showed his Vac O Matic 2000, this year's winner in the vacuum cleaner contest. Richard requested help from all the members to join up in one of the committees. references: www.listbot.com(AHRC1) - AHRC listbot services www.botlanta.org - AHRC home page